
Friday, April 1, 2011

Happy Anniversary Daily Listing Club!

It’s hard to believe that it has been one year since The Daily Listing Club started and I feel privileged to be one of the original members, to watch it evolve to what it is today. What grew from a simple forum post by Becky of Redbird Jewelry in March of 2010 is remarkable.

Becky was simply wishing to conduct a “test”. Does listing every day really bring more views which would lead to more sales? In a nutshell, that was her post along with a request of those willing to participate in this test during the month of April. Our very first day can be seen here:  April 2010 was mostly listing daily & ohhing and ahhing over the items and new found shops. We ended the month with about 10 members – and many of us didn’t want to “let go”. So, we continued…….

In the year that the Daily Listing Club has been around – we’ve seen over 200 members pass through our doors.

Little did any of us realize as the months went on just how much we were evolving and growing. What went from only 10 members was all of a sudden 30….50….and at one time 85! We went from “just” listing every day to offering advice and opinions on the listings as well as our shops. Members used the club to offer brand new items and work out kinks before offering them to the “public”. We’ve celebrated “first” sales and wholesale orders; we’ve watched members “outgrow” their current working areas & need to expand. We’ve celebrated “milestone” sales – 50’s and well in to the hundreds.

As all of this was happening – so was life. We’ve celebrated and supported members through the best of the best and the worst of the worst and everything in between. Marriages, births, graduations. Illness, death, life-altering changes. Home improvement, self improvement, finances…even cooking! As a matter of fact – we now have a “Listing Club Support System” for members that want/need encouragement & accountability to help with their daily “lives” – not just their “shop”.

In a year I’ve seen shops grow, pictures improve, sales milestones, descriptions flourish; and I’ve also seen confidence build, friendships grow, goals achieved, self esteem abound, fears conquered.

I’ve watched the Daily Listing Club grow into what is now a family of wonderful, giving, dedicated, talented, loving people that spans the world. A family that embraces “new” people, shares their triumphs and tribulations, and engulfs them in support. It’s a wonderful place to be and an even more wonderful thing to watch.

I’m looking forward to the new horizons this Club will see now that we are an “official” Team. Here’s to you Daily Listing Club and to many, many more years & and ever-growing family.


  1. Lovely article Dee ~ I'm happy to have been a part of the first year of the Daily Listing Club. :)

  2. I enjoyed reading this Dee. It was fun to go back to RedBird's original post and see old friends.

  3. WOW Dee! This is so beautifully written! I am so blessed to have found all of you and this club. It has been really wonderful for me. I am excited to be a part of this fabulous team for a long time to come!

  4. Wonderful tribute to such a hardworking group of amazingly talented and great teammates. Here is to another amazing year!

  5. A wonderful write up for our anniversary. I'm so glad that I found the listing club in August of 2010. I have grown along with my shop. This team is extended family to me. Thank you to all members for your loving support.
